Beyond OpenLog and our other cool QGIS plugins that you may already know through our fundraisers, Apeiron offers a comprehensive suite of services in the real of Open Source geospatial technology.

With the support of our parent company Oslandia, we line up the most experienced crew the Open Source GIS world has to offer.
We may take your team from the basics of GIS usage all the way to the most advanced GIS development concepts.
Apeiron’s team has been involved with Open Source geospatial technology since its very inception.
Benefit from our expertise in GIS infrastructure, deployment, maintenance, migration, and design

QGIS users may require assistance when engaged in the most complex projects.
We offer real-time remote end-user support for everyday tasks as well as next-day fixes for your blocking bug.
Ad hoc dev
Open Source software is about financing the engineering that matters to you rather than paying rent and hoping for the best.
Apeiron puts its world-class team at the forefront of this enterprise with development options for QGIS plugins, QGIS core, PostgreSQL/PostGIS, and geospatial webdev.