
OpenLog 1:

Prepare your data for import. Manage, and display basic variables into strip logs.

  • Setting: Online
  • Duration: 2 days
  • Hardware : stable internet connection, recent computer
  • Software : Windows 10/Ubuntu, latest QGIS
  • Knowledge : QGIS basics

OpenLog 2: intermediate

Handle complex variables, project data to cross-sections, and make edits safely.

  • Setting: Online
  • Duration: 2 days
  • Hardware : stable internet connection, recent computer
  • Software : Windows 10/Ubuntu, latest QGIS
  • Knowledge : OpenLog 1

Drillhole databases

Learn how to install, setup, and maintain Xplordb databases in PostGIS and Spatialite formats.

  • Setting: Online
  • Duration: 1 day
  • Hardware : stable internet connection, recent computer
  • Software : Windows 10/Ubuntu, latest QGIS
  • Knowledge : QGIS basics

OpenLog 3: advanced

Create and manage your local CRS, plan implantations, handle imagery, upscale to 3D.

  • Setting: Online
  • Duration: 2 days
  • Hardware : stable internet connection, recent computer
  • Software : Windows 10/Ubuntu, latest QGIS
  • Knowledge : OpenLog 2